Our Team

Solas Project is run by a talented, passionate team of professionals. Their love for Dublin’s young people is inspiring! These are the cultivators—the gardeners who daily turn the soil, planting seeds in children's lives. They trust that with the right care, a bountiful harvest lies in each young person's precious future.

Management & Administration

AMy Carey chief executive officer (CEO)

AMy Carey
chief executive officer (CEO)

LEanne Lowry
youth work programme manager (Liberate)

Richard Doe
Financial Administrator

Pete Thompson
Schools & Community Programmes Manager

Finance and operations Manager

emily mcvicker Volunteers and communications

emily mcvicker
Volunteer Manager

JUSTICE programme manager

Aoife Murphy

Aoife murphy
Funding & Administration

Darby Arens

Youth Workers

Miriam Corrigan
After Schools

Adam LogueRUA

Adam Logue
RUA d12 (team leader)

Jamin Keogh

Sydney Ellis
Rua D8

Thomas Tracey

Emer Counsel

Karl Ducque
TRY (team leader)

Eanna Rutherford COMPASS

Eanna Rutherford
COMPASS (Team Leader)

Nico Bigatti
The Yard