Our corporate partners play a vital role in making Solas Project’s vision a reality.
Your company can help Solas Project achieve our vision to see an Ireland where all young people truly know their self-worth and can take full advantage of their potential. We realise that each business is different. We have various levels of involvement available, depending on your company’s resources. We work closely with you and your team to create a partnership which can be tailored to your business structure in order to support your CSR goals.
How to get involved
Direct Volunteering: partner with us to support our various programmes.
Solas Business: Mentor students, exposing them to a business environment and encouraging creativity and entrepreneurship.
Solas College: Share your experience of third-level education, introducing young people to the idea of college and raising expectations and give them new goals for the future.
Solas Sports: Coach and play alongside our young people, teaching them life skills through the vehicle of sport.
Other ways to Volunteer
Indirect Volunteering: As a small team, we rely on skilled volunteers to support various projects like IT development, strategic planning or legal advice.
Think Tank: We invite our corporate partners to collectively participate in discussions, research and brainstorming sessions to develop practical, evidence-based solutions to social issues.
Direct Funding: financial contribution directly from business
Indirect Funding: staff fundraising through events, such as marathons, triathlons, pub quizzes, etc.
To get involved or receive an information pack, please contact Pete Thompson.
“Thank you so much for the experience last week’s presentation brought...I have huge hope invested in them and their years ahead as they develop to young adults. They are wonderful children!”
CAF International: Validated Organisation
We are CAF validated through completion of an extensive application including a review of our governance structure, registration status, annual financial statements, online and media presence, our board members and senior staff. The CAF International Validated Organisation Badge is awarded to organisations that are structured and operated as nonprofit entities to ensure all funds will be used charitably and to mitigate the risk of fraud.